Mental Illness Awareness Week: Recovery is Possible – PTSD in Veterans

Mental Illness Awareness Week: Recovery is Possible – PTSD in Veterans


Wednesday, October 8 at 1:00 PM CDT

Registration Fee:


Program Description:

In conjunction with The National Alliance on Mental Illness’ (NAMI) Mental Illness Awareness week, the Missouri Institute of Mental Health (MIMH) and NAMI-Saint Louis are collaborating to bring you an exciting array of programs celebrating the theme of “Recovery is Possible.” Each day during the first full week of October, we will hold a free Web Conference highlighting a different aspect of mental illness and recovery. Our goal is to help destigmatize mental illness, describe how persons with mental illness can “recover,” and to explain the symptoms of some common diagnoses. The programs will feature both professionals and consumers talking about their experiences of mental illness.

Program Presenters:

Martha Metter – is a Licensed Professional Counselor in private practice in St. Louis, Missouri. A graduate of Lindenwood University in St. Charles, Martha has also completed a 2-year certification course in psychodynamic psychotherapy at the St. Louis Psychoanalytic Institute. Martha has extensive experience in working with trauma. Her specialites include working with survivors of trauma, addictions, chronic mental illness, crisis interventions.Charles Clyde served in the U.S. Navy during the Vietnam War. After the war, he was diagnosed with “post Vietnam syndrome” which is now called “post traumatic stress disorder”. Charles, who is now retired, has been working to help other veterans get benefits and services they need for over 30 years. He worked for the Veterans Administration as a counselor and is most proud to have established a veteran’s service center in 1973. The center did outreach, education, and support to vets as they returned to from various branches of military service.

Conference Actions: