Trauma in First Episode Psychosis: Identifying Risk and Supporting Resilience

Trauma in First Episode Psychosis: Identifying Risk and Supporting Resilience

Trauma is a public health issue that requires clinical attention and research to prevent wide array of poor outcomes. Trauma symptoms are common in psychosis and contribute to poorer course of illness and increased disability. Therefore, individuals with psychosis (or at risk for psychosis) should receive appropriate assessment and treatment of their symptoms. This session will explore treating individuals with established psychosis using exposure-based treatments and the preliminary evidence that suggests such treatments can be used in early psychosis or individuals at risk. Building on foundation of Trauma-Focused CBT (TF-CBT), this session will present evidence and use case examples to explore the use of Trauma Integrated Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Psychosis (TI-CBTp) 

1. Identify trauma as a risk factor for psychosis 
2. Discover evidence-based treatment of trauma in psychosis 
3. Describe Trauma Integrated Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Psychosis (TI-CBTp)