Causes of Sexual Offense: Implications for Prevention and Treatment
Dates and Locations:
Registration Fee:
Program Description:
Public concerns regarding sex offenders have led to extensive changes in policy and legislation affecting this population. Clinicians and researchers alike have been challenged with the task of assessing and treating individuals who have committed sexual offenses. However, much remains unknown regarding the causal factors underlying sex offending behavior.
This workshop is designed to increase our understanding of why individuals engage in sexually deviant behavior and help us better assess and treat their clinical needs.
Program Presenter:
Dr. Stinson provides sex offender treatment, clinical supervision, and extensive training related to sexual violence, including work with sex offenders with serious and persistent mental illness and intellectual and developmental disabilities. Her research focuses on the role of self-regulation in the development of sexual offending, manualized treatment, and the assessment of risk in diverse sex offender populations.
Her recent book, Sex Offending: Causal theories to inform research, prevention, and treatment (American Psychological Association, 2008) describes the etiology of problematic sexual behavior. Other publications addressing self-regulation and sexual offending and the assessment of sexual deviance have appeared in the International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, Journal of Psychiatric Practice, Violence and Victims, and the International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology.
Dr. Stinson received her doctorate in Clinical Psychology and Psychology, Law, and Policy from the University of Arizona. She has presented at numerous national and international conferences and provided consultation on working with difficult sexual offenders.
Continuing Professional Education:
MIMH is a National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCCTM) approved Continuing Education Provider (ACEP) and may offer NBCC approved clock hours for events that meet NBCC requirements. MIMH is solely responsible for all aspects of the program. This program has been approved for 3 clock hours of continuing education credit.
Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
The University of Missouri, Missouri Institute of Mental Health will be responsible for this program and maintain a record of your continuing education credits earned. The Missouri Institute of Mental Health will award 3 clock hours or 3.6 Contact Hours (.4 CEUs) for this activity.
The MIMH credit will fulfill clinical Social Work and Psychologist licensure requirements in the State of Missouri. If your profession is not listed above or if you are from outside of Missouri, check with your Board prior to completing this program to ensure you are seeking the proper accreditation.
If your profession is not listed above or if you are from outside of Missouri, check with your Board prior to completing this program to ensure you are seeking the proper accreditation.
Conference Actions: