Field Safety Training for Social Service Professionals

Field Safety Training for Social Service Professionals

Presented by Shane Young, MSW

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Date and Location:

St. Louis, MO
Friday, February 26, 2016
8 am – 12 noon
4633 World Parkway Circle
St. Louis, MO 63134

Registration Fee:

Program Description:

This training opportunity will help professionals who work with people with behavioral health problems and substance use disorders and their families. By attending this program you will take away a series of proactive approaches that you can use to significantly reduce the chance of physical violence against yourself and your agency. These are real world solutions that have been used by community-based mental health providers and proven to be safe alternatives.
If you are a direct care provider of community mental health, substance abuse, healthcare provider, member of the clergy, an administrator or director of such a program you would gain a substantial amount of information that will keep you and your staff safe from the potential acts of violence that may present themselves in your office, vehicle or a client’s home.


Over the last twenty years our society has changed. While smart phones have advanced our ability to stay connected with others, there is less face-to-face human interaction and an increased expectation for instant gratification. Along with these changes in personal habits, we have seen a significant decrease in financial resources for mental health, de-institutionalization of forensic patients, an increase in Axis I diagnoses with pharmaceutical interventions and violent individuals released to communities with insufficient oversight and resources.
From this evolution, society has seen an increase in violence against healthcare staff, social workers, law enforcement and corrections personnel, psychiatric staff and members of the clergy. These acts of violence have occurred in public venues, inpatient settings and in the community. Sadly there have been fatalities that have taken place at an alarming rate.

Learning Objectives:

Upon completion of this program, attendees will able to:

  • Identify unsafe circumstances we face in our daily job responsibilities, and introduce safe practices to direct care staff
  • Identify exterior and interior safe practices for community-based workers
  • Practice safety during transportation of clients
  • Discuss methods for predicting violence
  • Utilize Aggression Replacement interventions
  • Reduce tensions with an aggressive person
  • Discuss safe practices in agency protocols


Shane Young, MSW


Shane Young, MSW has worked in the Social Service field for 22 years. Currently, he is employed with Three Rivers Hospice as a Social Services Consultant. He has been employed in several aspects of Juvenile Justice (detention, residential care, and probation) this includes time as a Deputy Juvenile Officer in Buchanan and Johnson Counties in Missouri. Shane has also worked in the field of Adult Corrections (including work with the Buchanan County Drug Court). In 2008, Shane completed his Masters in Social Work from the University of Missouri. During his career, he has been the Chairman, Vice-Chair, and a Board Member for the Juvenile Justice Coalition in St Joseph, Missouri. In 2012, Shane became a Certified Trauma Specialist through TLC (Trauma and Loss in Children).
Shane began performing professional development trainings in 2006. He has completed a number of train-the-trainer certifications for the Search Institute and the Truthought organization. During his training career he has presented and development trainings for the Missouri Juvenile Justice Association, Missouri Coalition for Community Mental Health Centers, Missouri Western State University Child Abuse Education, Prevention and Investigation Conference, Midwest Regional Suicide Prevention Conference, National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, and the Missouri Institute for Mental Health for the Department of Mental Health’s Spring Training Institute.


Missouri Institute of Mental Health
The University of Missouri, Missouri Institute of Mental Health will be responsible for this program and maintain a record of your continuing education credits earned.
The Missouri Institute of Mental Health will award 3.8 clock hours or 4.5 contact hours (.5 CEUs) for this activity.

Missouri Credentialing Board
The Missouri Credentialing Board has approved this program for 4 hours.

National Board for Certified Counselors
MIMH is an NBCC – Approved Continuing Education Provider (ACEPTM) No. 6339 and may offer NBCC approved clock hours for events (or programs) that meet NBCC requirements. MIMH is solely responsible for all aspects for the program.
3.8 clock hours are offered for this program.


7:15 am Program sign-in, coffee
  • Introduction
  • Case studies involving Social Worker field safety
  • Identify unsafe circumstances we face in our daily job responsibilities
  • Introduce safe practices to direct care staff
  • Exterior safe practices for community-based workers
10:00 Break
  • Interior safe practices
  • Safety during transportation of clients
  • Methods for predicting violence
  • Aggression replacement interventions
  • How to reduce tensions with an aggressive person
  • Discussion regarding safe practices in agency protocols
12:00 pm Adjourn


Special Needs
If you have special needs, we ask that you notify us at 314.516.8419 or as soon as possible. We will make reasonable efforts to accommodate your needs.

Refund Policy
If you are unable to attend, we ask that you notify us as soon as possible. Cancellations received in writing five business days prior to the date of the program will be refunded, less a $25.00 processing fee. You may send a substitute, but we ask that you notify us in writing of this change. If you do not attend or send a substitute, you or your employer will be billed the full registration fee.

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