Register Now Program is full
Monday, June 8 or Tuesday, June 9, 2015
The program sign-in will begin at 8 am and end at 4 pm
Program Description
Risk assessment of individuals convicted of sexual offenses helps estimate the future risk of the offender to the community and provides a baseline for potential treatment needs. The Static-99R is a well-known instrument used to estimate risk for re-offense among individuals who have committed a sexual offense.
Participants will learn about the background and development of the Static-99R. How to score of each item on the instrument will be reviewed and practiced. Participants will then demonstrate use of the Static-99R to score sample cases.
Learning Objectives:
- Participants will be able to identify appropriate uses of the Static-99R.
- Participants will be able to identify the index offense needed to score the Static-99R.
- Participants will be able to report the risk estimates of a given Static-99R score.
Venue Location
Stoney Creek Hotel and Conference Center
2601 S. Providence Road
Columbia, MO 65203
Phone: 573-442-6400
Fax: 573-442-6414
Paul Rodriguez is the Clinical Program Manager for Sex Offender Services for the Nebraska Department of Correctional Services. He is a Licensed Independent Mental Health Practitioner and Psychological Assistant and has over 13 years of experience working in Corrections. He is a certified trainer for the Static-99R, Stable-2007, and Acute-2007. Mr. Rodriguez co-authored an article in The Sex Offender. He is a founding member and chairperson of the Clinical Sex Offender Review Team, which is responsible for making treatment recommendations and reviewing treatment progress for all individuals incarcerated in Nebraska for sexual offenses. Mr. Rodriguez has also partnered with national, state, and local community agencies and organizations to provide public education about sex offender issues.
Missouri Institute of Mental Health (MIMH)
The University of Missouri, Missouri Institute of Mental Health will be responsible for this program and will maintain a record of your continuing education credits earned.
MIMH will award 6.5 clock hours or 7.8 contact hours (.8 CEUs) for this program.
National Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC)
MIMH is an NBCC Approved Continuing Education Provider (ACEPTM) and may offer NBCC – approved clock hours for events (or programs) that meet NBCC requirements. MIMH is solely responsible for all aspects the program.
6.5 hours are offered for this program.
Missouri Credentialing Board
Pending application
Program Schedule
The program sign-in will begin at 8 am and end at 4 pm
8:30 am – Introduction and Scoring Static-99R
11:30 – Break for lunch
12:30 – Scoring the Static-99R
4:00 pm – Wrap-up
Special Needs
If you have special needs, we ask that you notify us at 314.516.8419 or as soon as possible. We will make reasonable efforts to accommodate your needs.
Cancellations or Substitutions
If you are unable to attend the program, we ask that you notify us as soon as possible.
Following this registration link will take you to our external site where you may register for the program.
This program is subsidized by the Department of Mental Health, therefore there is no fee to attend. As part of the program, beverages and lunch will be served.
You will also receive this information in an email as a confirmation.