Tag: day1

Exploring Pathways to Coordinated Specialty Care for Early Psychosis: Barriers to Access and Facilitating Engagement

This presentation will explore barriers and facilitators to accessing coordinated speciality care. The presentation will then link how prior experiences impact initial and sustained engagement in coordinated specialty care. Finally,…
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Trauma in First Episode Psychosis: Identifying Risk and Supporting Resilience

Trauma is a public health issue that requires clinical attention and research to prevent wide array of poor outcomes. Trauma symptoms are common in psychosis and contribute to poorer course…
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Coordinated Specialty Care for First Episode Psychosis: Recent Advances and Future Opportunities

This presentation will discuss the importance of early intervention for improving treatment engagement and clinical outcomes in psychotic disorders. Scientific support for this approach will be presented, including findings from…
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Cultural and Contextual Considerations in the Early Identification of Risk for Psychosis

This presentation will provide an overview of the psychosis risk syndrome and how racial and ethnic factors have influenced diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes—both historically and in the current time. The…
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Emerging Adults with First-Episode Psychosis: Clinical and Developmental Considerations

In this session, Dr. Moe will discuss the importance of considering developmental phase (i.e., emerging adulthood) in providing clinical services to individuals with first-episode psychosis. She will review existing interventions…
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