Financial Compliance Training
Program Description:
9:30am to 11:30pm
Administrative Staff (those who spend money/pay bills/track expenses/create reports)
Morning session with fiscal administrators – Allowable Costs per A-21: To discuss the compliance costs related to the allowability of what costs can and cannot be charged to a sponsored activity. We will also discuss the responsibilities of the PI and Research Administrator and provide common examples of non-compliance.
Anyone who supports a PI or other research faculty from a fiscal standpoint should attend. (for example, processing PAFs, PCEs, paying invoices) **All Division Secretaries are to attend Session 1.**
1:00pm to 3:00pm
PIs/Research Staff (those who administer the grants/work on projects)
Afternoon session with Principal Investigators and others working on the sponsored programs. – PI Roles and Responsibilities. We will discuss the PI’s roles and responsibilities for sponsored programs including pre and post-award management. This session will provide an overview of the key fiscal compliance requirements and common examples of non-compliance.
Anyone who is a PI or works directly w/the PI on the award, such as other faculty.
Conference Actions: