Ethics for Childcare Workers: The Importance of Boundaries

Ethics for Childcare Workers: The Importance of Boundaries


Tuesday, August 20 at 10:00am CDT (2 hours)

Registration Fee:

Free (CEU for $30 fee)
No pre-registration needed


Learning Objectives

  1. Attendees will gain an understanding of the complex nature of interpersonal in direct care.
  2. Attendees will gain an understanding of various aspects of interpersonal boundaries and how blurred boundaries can negatively impact treatment.
  3. Attendees will learn strategies for defining and managing staff-client relationships boundaries and the importance of clearly defined roles and relationships and boundaries in a manner that will improve treatment outcomes and reduce risk.

Rationale of Program

Many problems that arise in the context of direct care and oversight of youth in residential and group living environments relate to the context of care and the manner in which staff-client relationships are defined and managed. Clearly defined boundaries and roles sets the stage for improved client outcomes, greater staff satisfaction and effectiveness, improved safety, and reduced risk to clients and agencies.

Michael Meehan, PhD is a proven and visionary leader with a wealth of experience in program implementation and management, advocacy, human resources, risk management, media relations, and performance improvement. He is a skilled clinician with more than 20 years’ experience in the planning, provision, and oversight of mental health services. A manager known for attaining outstanding end-results. Since 2012 Dr. Meehan has worked as the Executive Director for the Good Shepherd Children and Family Services.

CEU info
The University of Missouri, Missouri Institute of Mental Health will be responsible for this program and maintain a record of your continuing education credits earned.
The Missouri Institute of Mental Health will award 2 clock hours or 2.4 contact hours (.2 CEU) for this activity.

For relicensure requirements, please check with your board prior to seeking credit.

Conference Actions:

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