Evaluating Hot Spots Policing in St. Louis
Thursday, May 16 at 1:30pm CDT (lasts approximately 1 hour)
Registration Fee:
Free (CEU for $15 fee)
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The St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department regularly engages in “hot spots” enforcement, which directs police patrols to areas of the city in which serious crimes are concentrated. Until recently, however, the effects of hot spots policing on crime had not been systematically evaluated. Between March and November of 2012, the department conducted a randomized controlled field experiment to determine the impact of the hot spots strategy on firearm violence. This presentation reports the results of the experiment, which show sizable reductions in firearm assaults, but not firearm robberies, in hot spots throughout the city. The evaluation was carried out under the auspices of the St. Louis Public Safety Partnership, a joint effort of the police department, the Mayor’s office, and UMSL researchers to improve public safety in St. Louis.
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Richard Rosenfeld, is Curators Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice at the University of Missouri – St. Louis. He has published widely on crime trends, crime statistics, and criminal justice policy. Professor Rosenfeld is a Fellow and former President of the American Society of Criminology. He currently serves on the Science Advisory Board of the Office of Justice Program, US Department of Justice, and is the principal investigator of the St. Louis Public Safety Partnership.
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[button size=”medium” color=”blue” style=”none” new_window=”true” link=”http://webconferences.mimhtraining.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/Hot-Spots-Policing-in-St.-Louis.pdf”]Slides[/button]