
Creating a Culture of Diversity

The purpose of this diversity workshop is to increase cultural awareness, understand the difference between equity and inclusion, and reduce prejudices against underrepresented groups. Objectives: After completing this program, social workers, program administrators, and other participants will be able to: Presenter: Angela Gray, MSW, EDs Angela holds a Bachelor's and Master of Social Work degree…
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Understanding Trauma in the Context of Psychosis

Description: In this session, the speaker will discuss mental, physical health linked to trauma as well as racial trauma on health and how these risks factors may increase psychosis. What should be done, evidence-based practices and a case study will be reviewed. Objectives: Presenter: Dr. Khalima Bolden is a licensed clinical psychologist and the Assistant…
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Fundamentals and Special Challenges of Doing Dialectical Behavioral Treatment (DBT) with Adolescents

This presentation will explain how to present adolescent-specific dialectical dilemmas to teens and families. Three types of invalidation that teens frequently experience will be discussed. Participants will learn how to coach a teen through recovering from invalidation. The presenter will explain the biosocial model of dysregulation and how to maintain a therapeutic relationship with parents.…
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Organizational Characteristics and Challenges of Being a Dialectical Behavioral Treatment (DBT) Therapist

This presentation will explain how to coach caregivers on how to use behavioral principles to cultivate a healthy relationship with their teen. The presenter will emphasize using deliberate practice to enhance skills as a DBT therapist working with teens. A description will be given on how to facilitate teens and families advancing from assessment to…
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Resolving & Avoiding Ethical Dilemmas

Everyone faces ethical dilemmas throughout their career. Being able to appropriately navigate these potential land minds is critical to the successful practice of social work. This training will cover ethical issues commonly faced by social workers during their career and offers strategies to effectively deal with them, as well as, to lessen the changes of…
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Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: Peeking into the Brain of a TF-CBT Therapist

Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) is the most empirically supported intervention for children exposed to trauma. In this advanced presentation, Dr. Kliethermes will use a case study to help participants to step through this well-established, evidenced-based practice for childhood trauma. This program will be interactive for participants including discussion and polls. Objectives: Presenter: Matt Kliethermes, Ph.D.,…
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