
Trauma-Informed Application of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Mental Health and Social Service Professionals need to be able to recognize and respond to client stress responses to successfully implement Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). This interactive training is designed for social workers, therapists, case managers and other professionals in the social service field to enhance their delivery of trauma-informed cognitive behavioral treatment and strategies.…
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Borderline Personality Disorder

Borderline Personality Disorder is often a diagnosis that is misunderstood and can go undiagnosed causing many to go without effective treatment. At least 1-2 % of the population are diagnosed with BPD, however, it is likely this statistic is an underestimate due to the difficulty practitioners have with understanding the diagnosis and its presentation. If…
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Trauma-Informed Care: Ethical Considerations

Topics covered in this webinar include a historical perspective on trauma and trauma treatment in America and implications for advocacy and ethics when counseling clients with traumatic stress disorders; the ethical responsibility to help break intergenerational patterns of addiction and trauma in families; how to establish healthy boundaries when doing trauma work; evidence-based trauma treatment…
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Adverse Childhood Experiences: Why they should be the Top Priority of EVERY Child-Serving Professional

Description: Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) have become a topic of considerable importance during the past 20 years. This workshop with provide an introduction to the concept of ACEs and explore the variety of negative impacts that they appear to have on human functioning. Time will also be spent discussing the importance and process of reducing…
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Creating a Culture of Diversity

The purpose of this diversity workshop is to increase cultural awareness, understand the difference between equity and inclusion, and reduce prejudices against underrepresented groups. Objectives: After completing this program, social workers, program administrators, and other participants will be able to: Define cultural awareness to increase diversity knowledge and communicationDiscuss the difference between diversity, equity, and…
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Neurophysiological, Psychosocial, and Cognitive Linguistic Ramifications of Post-Concussion Syndrome

Post-concussion syndrome occurs when individuals do not quickly recover from mild traumatic brain injury/concussion and symptoms become chronic over a lengthened period of time. These symptoms include neurophysiological, cognitive-linguistic, and psychosocial deficits and difficulties that negatively impact daily functioning. Depression and/or anxiety are present to a significant degree. As a result of these multi-layered processes,…
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