
Organizational Characteristics and Challenges of Being a Dialectical Behavioral Treatment (DBT) Therapist

This presentation will explain how to coach caregivers on how to use behavioral principles to cultivate a healthy relationship with their teen. The presenter will emphasize using deliberate practice to enhance skills as a DBT therapist working with teens. A description will be given on how to facilitate teens and families advancing from assessment to…
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Resolving & Avoiding Ethical Dilemmas

Everyone faces ethical dilemmas throughout their career. Being able to appropriately navigate these potential land minds is critical to the successful practice of social work. This training will cover ethical issues commonly faced by social workers during their career and offers strategies to effectively deal with them, as well as, to lessen the changes of…
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Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: Peeking into the Brain of a TF-CBT Therapist

Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) is the most empirically supported intervention for children exposed to trauma. In this advanced presentation, Dr. Kliethermes will use a case study to help participants to step through this well-established, evidenced-based practice for childhood trauma. This program will be interactive for participants including discussion and polls. Objectives: Presenter: Matt Kliethermes, Ph.D.,…
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Personal Safety & De-Escalation for Helping Professionals

Personal Safety & De-Escalation for Helping Professionals 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm Central | Live Online Description: The personal safety of social workers is a vital part of our practice. This workshop will empower social workers to develop situational awareness and consider best practices for safety in the office and in the field. Case studies…
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Sustaining Wellness for Helping Professionals: Ethical Boundary Setting as Self-Care

Live Online 8225 Florissant Rd, Saint Louis

Helping professionals are driven to serve others but without clear boundaries, relentless giving can put our own wellbeing at risk. While creating and applying boundaries is not always natural to us, boundary work is essential for healthy, sustainable practice with clients, in our organizations, and in our communities. This workshop will expand our concept of…
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How Does a Clinician Intervene Therapeutically to Treat and Manage Suicidality in Clients

Live Online 8225 Florissant Rd, Saint Louis

This training on suicide intervention will explore key fundamentals of suicidality. Gain understanding of risk level and various motivations for the "suicide mode". Various treatment approaches will be discussed in depth, including CBT, DBT and ACT. Clinicians will be encouraged to examine their current practices around treating suicidality. Attention will be given to exploring the…
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