
Personal Safety & De-Escalation for Helping Professionals – 022224

Live Online 8225 Florissant Rd, Saint Louis

The personal safety of social workers is a vital part of our practice. This workshop will empower social workers to develop situational awareness and consider best practices for safety in the office and in the field. Case studies will highlight the importance of safety considerations and provide learners with the opportunity to critically analyze their…
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The 20 Smartest Things Counselors and Programs Can Do to Promote Recovery

Live Online 8225 Florissant Rd, Saint Louis

In this presentation you will learn 20 smart things you can do to help facilitate recovery from mental illness and substance use disorders. Topics covered include: incorporating lessons from science into recovery; what the best programs do to help facilitate recovery; lessons from history; becoming more evidence based; lessons from cancer treatment applied to behavioral…
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The Ethics of Duty to Warn and Protect

Live Online 8225 Florissant Rd, Saint Louis

A client tells their therapist that they wish someone was dead. How does a therapist ethically and legally handle this situation? Therapists have legal and ethical responsibilities to both their clients and greater society. Many mental health professionals face challenges determining the best course of action when clients make threats towards others. This workshop will…
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HIV Basics

Live Online 8225 Florissant Rd, Saint Louis

Speaker Bio: Kamina Ballard, began her career in 1996 volunteering at Camp Hope which is a worry-free weekend retreat for children living with HIV and their entire family under the umbrella of Project ARK, a HIV/AIDS service organization dedicated to support the needs of women, children and youth impacted by HIV/AIDS. From this volunteer opportunity,…
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Reducing Suicide Ideation Through Mindfulness

Live Online 8225 Florissant Rd, Saint Louis

The CDC reports that 45,979 people died by suicide in the United States in 2020, which is 1 death every 11 minutes. The loss of life in this manner is heartbreaking, unnecessary and it impacts all of us collectively. While death by suicide is multi-dimensional, research shows that mindfulness interventions can contribute to the reduction…
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Understanding Trauma in the Context of Psychosis

Live Online 8225 Florissant Rd, Saint Louis

In this session, the speaker will discuss mental, physical health linked to trauma as well as racial trauma on health and how these risks factors may increase psychosis. What should be done, evidence-based practices and a case study will be reviewed. Objectives: Presenter: Dr. Khalima Bolden is a licensed clinical psychologist and the Assistant Director…
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