
An Introduction to Trauma-Informed Schools

This program will provide participants with a basic understanding of the definition of and rationale for trauma-informed schools. The program will also introduce trauma-informed screening and a variety of trauma-informed practices that can be implemented in a school setting. Finally, participants will be provided with a brief overview of available research evidence supporting trauma-informed schools. Objectives: Site…
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Guardianship 101

A guardian is responsible for decisions concerning health care and living arrangements for theperson deemed incapacitated. A conservator is responsible with managing the person’s incomeand assets and paying bills. This program will review the Guardianship and Conservatorship lawsand the legal process, as well as address the impact of the 2018 legislation and teach attendeesadvocacy tips.…
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Sustaining Wellness for Helping Professionals: Ethical Boundary Setting as Self-Care

Helping professionals are driven to serve others but without clear boundaries, relentless giving can put our own wellbeing at risk. While creating and applying boundaries is not always natural to us, boundary work is essential for healthy, sustainable practice with clients, in our organizations, and in our communities. This workshop will expand our concept of…
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Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: Peeking into the Brain of a TF-CBT Therapist

Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: Peeking into the Brain of a TF-CBT Therapist 1- 4:00  pm Central | Live Online Description:  Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) is the most empirically supported intervention for children exposed to trauma. In this advanced presentation, Dr. Kliethermes will use a case study to help participants to step through this well-established, evidenced-based practice…
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She’s Not There: Dissociation in Young Children with Trauma

She’s Not There: Dissociation in Young Children with Trauma 1- 4:00  pm Central | Live Online Description:  When young children are subjected to early adversities, they often have few defenses: the classic fight and the classic flight, but dissociation is less recognized. However, many young children coming out of early adversity use this brilliant defense…
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Recovery Through Connection: Shifting Paradigms in the Treatment of Substance Use Disorders and Addictive Behaviors 021023

The medical model approach to treating addictions has been utilized since Substance Use Disorders were identified as Disease processes and therefore require medical approaches and interventions. This program aims to offer an alternative to our traditional approaches to treating addictions and will cover many new approaches and well-known but less utilized interventions. There is a…
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