Missouri Ask Listen Refer: Using a Web-Based Suicide Prevention Program to Prevent Suicide
Tuesday, March 19 at 1:30pm CDT (lasts approximately 1 hour)
Registration Fee:
Free (CEU for $10 fee)
No pre-registration needed
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As more attention is given to youth mental health, more people are opening discussion regarding the issues of youth suicide. However, this issue is often hard to talk about in our homes, in our schools, and in our communities. A new, on-line FREE training program designed for those who work with youth, Missouri Ask Listen Refer, assists schools, community groups, churches, and others train key personnel and provide Missourians with helpful suicide prevention information. This program can be used in schools, youth groups, churches, etc. In a 20 minute web-based training session, MoALR teaches how to ASK if someone is thinking about suicide, genuinely LISTEN to their response, and REFER them to help. It includes the facts about suicide, sample conversations, videos, and resource lists for the state. During this webinar, attendees will learn more about this program and its evidence-based model how this program fits with other evidence-based and best practice strategies for effective suicide prevention for youth.
Attendees will learn:
- The fundamental functions of the Missouri Ask Listen Refer suicide prevention program.
- How evidence indicates that on-line learning such as the Missouri Ask Listen Refer program may provide skills and knowledge regarding suicide prevention.
- How to implement the Missouri Ask Listen Refer program in their school/community.
- How to use an on-line training tool such as Missouri Ask Listen Refer to compliment current suicide prevention and educational initiatives.
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Joan Masters,is the Senior Coordinator for Missouri Partners in Prevention Joan is responsible for the training and technical assistance that PIP provides, provides oversight to the Partners in Prevention projects such as the Missouri College Health Behavior Survey and the problem gambling and suicide and mental health grants, including the Ask Listen Refer on-line program.
Dan Reilly is the Prevention and Research Coordinator for Missouri Partners in Prevention. In addition to assisting with trainings and member services, Dan oversees the research and evaluation efforts of Partners in Prevention, providing technical assistance with survey implementation and data analysis for all of Partners in Prevention’s projects.
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Conference Actions:
[button size=”medium” color=”blue” style=”none” new_window=”true” link=”http://mediax.mimhtraining.com/pdf/MIMHtraining-webconf/2013_03_19-MOALR-for-MIMH-Webinar.pdf”]Slides in PDF format[/button]
[button size=”medium” color=”blue” style=”none” new_window=”true” link=”http://www.asklistenrefer.org/”]Ask Listen Refer website[/button]
[button size=”medium” color=”blue” style=”none” new_window=”true” link=”http://www.moasklistenrefer.org”]Ask Listen Refer Missouri website[/button]