Thursday, September 4th from 11:15am to 4:00pm CDT
Registration Fee:
Program Description:
This workshop will provide guidelines for responsible leadership among the media and community spokespersons, with the goal of preventing suicides through enlightened coverage of such events, and galvanizing community action to prevent future suicides.
11:15 – 1:30 Plenary Program
Surgeon General Galson “Addressing the Suicide Epidemic”
Dr. Reidenberg “Suicide: The Good, The Bad, and The Goal of Better Suicide Prevention”
J. Schafer, Kansas Public Radio, moderator Panel Discussion andQuestion and Answer Session
Dr. Galson and Dr. Reidenberg joined by panelists from MO Dept. of Mental Health; and KS suicide prevention committee
1:45 – 4:00 Workshop
Dr. Reidenberg “Guidelines, Tips, and Ways to Help The Media”
Full Agenda as PDF
Program Presenters:
Dr. Steven K. Galson, Acting Surgeon General
Dr. Daniel Reidenberg, Executive Director of SAVE
and many others, please see full agenda below.
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