Suicide is a serious public health problem. It is the 11th leading cause of death across the lifespan claiming the lives of more than 32,000 US citizens each year; nearly 90 people a day. Every two hours and eleven minutes someone under 25 completes suicide. Each suicide affects an untold number of family members, friends and acquaintances. Prevention specialists agree suicide can be prevented and its impact reduced in much the same way that deaths due to drunk driving, HIV/AIDS, and drug abuse have been reduced. Imagine how the lives of people would change if even 20% of suicide deaths were prevented. Every life is important and making a difference can be easy as understanding the issues related to suicide and learning warning signs and prevention strategies that can save lives.Learning Objectives:
Understanding and developing empathy for suicidality.
Learning warning signs of suicide.
Learning intervention strategies.
Learning about resources for training and more information on suicide prevention.
Video: Understanding and Preventing Suicide; produced by The Glendon Association’s Violence and Suicide Prevention Alliance. For more information or to buy the video contact [email protected] or go 805-681-0415.Program Presenter: Elizabeth Makulec is the Executive Director of KUTO (Kids Under Twenty-One), a unique youth focused agency that trains youth with the skills, confidence and courage to help a friend or peer by implementing the ‘teens helping teens help themselves’ philosophy. Ms. Makulec served as a member of the Missouri Suicide Prevention Plan writing team and consequently was appointed to the governor’s Missouri Suicide Prevention Advisory Committee. She has been facilitating the QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) Suicide Prevention training since 2002 and is a LivingWorks certified trainer for both the ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Training) and safeTALK (Suicide Alertness for Everyone) community education programs. Ms. Makulec serves on many community advisory committees and is Project Coordinator for the eastern region suicide prevention resource center, the Gateway Youth Suicide Prevention Resources Partnership, a multi-agency suicide prevention and education collaboration.